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Alternative For Sweden

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 22 July 2018 07:27.

15,000 White South Africans to Be Given Asylum in Russia

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 July 2018 19:28.

DefendEuropa, “15,000 White South Africans to Get Asylum in Russia”, 8 July 2018:

Following Australia’s offer of fast tracking visas for White South African farmers in April, Russia has now agreed to take 15,000 Boers. The decision by the Russian government to allow the immigration follows the well documented troubles in South Africa, where White farmers are being attacked or killed in an attempt by the ANC to reclaim land. In Australia, The Boers are already making a successful home for themselves in and around Perth.

The reason for Russia being an ideal country for the newcomers is they can help with the agricultural economy in the South. With the families having a background in farming, and Russia, being vast, needs help in this area. The first of the migrants have already reached Russia and been warmly welcomed by locals. They have not yet made a decision on staying and will be returning to Africa before deciding whether to make the move.

CC BY-SA 4.0 File:Map of Russia, Stavropol Krai

Another reason for Russia offering this is the low reproduction rate currently. By giving asylum to the Boers, it is hoped they will continue to remain in the area and help with the population. The Stavropol region which is looking to take the migrants is very nationalistic & is 81% Russian, however this is not being looked at as a problem for the Russian nationalists in the area.

There is an estimate that between 1998 and 2016, 3000 – 4000 farm murders have taken place in South Africa, including the families and also the farm help. Since 2007, South Africa’s government has only recorded the crime against the farmer, and not the family. Meaning that if the whole family have been slaughtered, the figure made public is considerably less.

Where as most countries seem intent on taking Black Africans, despite their culture being at odds with the countries they are moving to, there seems to be little attempts to help or even acknowledge the issues in South Africa by most European countries. With constant adverts & appeals for Black Africans starving, seeking refuge or water, there is little in the way of appeals for beginning stages of the White genocide.  Maybe now Russia has led, others will start to follow.

“Hispanics bigger problem, blacks used to be OK when headed by strong black fathers” - says Dr. Dupe

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 01 July 2018 09:51.

Sure, “Whites should be strictly against ‘Hispanics’ and ‘Hispanics’ should be against Whites”, while “black Americans are ‘really ok’...they just need to get back to the days where the black father headed the family with authority”.... if you listen to right wing fools like Dr. Dupe and have the capacity to nerd-rationalize your way around the racial reality, you might even buy that.

In fact, when choosing sides in a friend enemy distinction between so called “Hispanics” and blacks, i.e., regarding whom to form coalitions with, there is no question; and if the Hispanics are truly wise, they will side in coalition with White groups and Asians against blacks, YKW and Muslims.

It won’t be easy to form this coalition, perhaps some form of coordination will have to suffice for now ..the negotiation of coalition with White Hispanics should be easier, of course, except for our dumb White right wing American element, which virtually sees people who don’t have blue eyes and blonde hair as non-White, but White Left Ethnonationalism should reach out to build coalitions with “la Raza”, or some facsimile thereof, not only the ones who are primarily White, but also the ones who are part White and part Indian and ones that are primarily Amerindian.

We have to convince them that the issue of “Hispanics” and Whites is one of negotiation and coordination - critically, of carrying capacity of the nations and resources; and in defense against YKW and Islam and blacks -

The later group of which they are notoriously good at defending themselves against in a perennial fight of theirs; against blacks who would stay on their turf. That defense can help us sort out, and with coordination, achieve separatism from blacks and those “Hispanics” who are significantly black…..

Sooner or later “Hispanics”, not being so flighty and disposed to take recourse in nerd-dome and “intellectual rationalizations” as Whites do, realize that it is absolutely necessary to fight for their women, their people and turf against blacks, to discriminate against them. And they are correct about that. The problem is not that “blacks used to be ok when they were not misled by Jewry” as Dr. Dupe alleges. This their nature, this is reality.

So, when it comes to that fight, we should say, ‘go La Raza Unita!’ or whatever potentially White allied “Hispanic” group is defending their women and themselves against blacks.

Furthermore, they won’t be shedding too many tears about historical Jewish victimhood, nor see much common ground with Israel. La Raza was founded in wise skepticism of Jewry.

No orange ones, Huckabee or dogs allowed: private property, freedom of association or “civil rights”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 08:12.

Of course WN should go with the angle that it was the prerogative of the restaurateur to discriminate and throw her out as a matter of private business/property and freedom of association. This can begin to challenge the (((64 Civil Rights Act))) which violates the capacity (of Whites, anyway) to discriminate on behalf of their private property, business and prerogative of association.

Telegraph, “Restaurant owner who asked Sarah Sanders to leave says she was taking moral stand against Donald Trump”, 24 June 2018:

Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, was refused service at a restaurant on Friday, sparking angry accusations that Donald Trump’s aides are the target of liberal “bigotry”.

Mrs Sanders said she had been asked to leave by the owner of the Red Hen, about three hours drive outside Washington.

The story was confirmed by the restaurant’s owner who said she felt she had to take a stand against for “honesty” and “compassion”.

Mrs Sanders wrote on Twitter: “I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia to leave because I work for the president and I politely left.


“Her (the owner’s) actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”


The confrontation comes at a particularly tense time in American politics, with protests growing over the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance border policy that has separated children from parents. It follows months and years of growing polarisation in American politics - the cause and effect of Mr Trump’s rise to power.

Republicans lost no time in accusing liberals of policing restaurants.

Mrs Sanders’ father Mike Huckabee, the former Republican presidential candidate, said: “Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. Or you can ask for the ‘Hate Plate’. And appetisers are ‘small plates for small minds’.”

Earlier in the week, Mr Trump’s homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, cut short a dinner at a Mexican restaurant after protesters shouted “Shame!” until she left.

The Red Hen Credit: Daniel Lin

Mrs Sanders’ treatment at the restaurant created a social media commotion with people on both sides weighing in.

On Yelp, a reviewer of the restaurant wrote: “Don’t eat here if you’re a Republican, wearing a MAGA hat or a patriot.”

But other reviewers supported the restaurant owner’s actions.

Both sides of the debate have been leaving comments on the restaurant’s social media sites Credit: Daniel Lin/AP

One said: “12/10 would recommend. Bonus: this place is run by management who stuck up for their beliefs and who are true Americans.” The restaurant was in the town of Lexington, population 7,000, which voted heavily against Mr Trump.

Stephanie Wilkinson, co-owner of the tiny 26-seat eaterie, said she was at home when staff called to tell her Mrs Sanders was dining and she went to see.

She told the Washington Post: “I’m not a huge fan of confrontation. I have a business, and I want the business to thrive.

“But this feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

When she got there Mrs Sanders, her husband and several others had cheese boards in front of them.

Ms Wilkinson consulted her staff who had all seen Mrs Sander defending the separation of illegal immigrant families at the border. The staff said they wanted Mrs Sanders to leave.

Ms Wilkinson said she went to Mrs Sanders, told her she was the owner, and asked her on to the patio “for a word”.

She said: “I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion. I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation. I said ‘I’d like to ask you to leave’.”

Mrs Sanders was polite and said simply: “That’s fine. I’ll go.”

Her party followed her out, offering to pay, but were told they did not need to.

Someone claiming to be a member of the waiting staff posted details of the incident on social media, including a memo about Mrs Sanders being 86ed - slang for ejecting someone.


The details were forwarded in a tweet by Brennan Gilmore, the executive director of environmental group Clean Virginia.

Related at Majorityrights: “Women Without Class

Deep Ellum, Black hyper-assertiveness & Abrahamic prescription for self transcendence of White EGI

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 June 2018 07:26.

One of the victims has a surprising message for his attacker. Victims want their attackers caught, but they’re hoping whomever did that can turn their lives around - Brandon Aruffo said: “I’m still not thinking clearly, I don’t remember much. ...everybody’s alive, we’re ok, so that’s what matters.” Words for the suspects: “I forgive you. I hope that you find whatever in life that you’re looking for. And may god bless you. And I hope that you start living a better way.”

DFWCBSlocal, “Pair Attacked In Deep Ellum Share Story”, 18 June 2018:

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Over the weekend a violent attack was captured on camera in Deep Ellum. It happened around 2:30 a.m. Saturday outside of The Bomb Factory and left two people badly injured.

Brandon Aruffo and Mikaela Benatti said they were heading home after a night out when it happened.

“It just happened so quickly,” Benatti said. “We were walking down Henry and took a left on to Canton. These guys came out of nowhere.”

In the surveillance video you can see Aruffo is punched from behind. He hits ground and is knocked unconscious. One of the men then moves to Benatti. He knocks her to her knees and tries to take her purse.


“He just started hitting me and I have a crossbody, a little clutch that wraps around, and he was trying to pull it off of me,” Benatti said. “The worst part to me is the strap broke and they just walked off. They didn’t run. It definitely seemed like something they had done before.”

Benatti said the two men walked off with her purse and Aruffo’s wallet. She called 911 and waited for an ambulance to arrive. They were both treated for bad injuries.

“I have a concussion, some staples back here, some stitches in my lip” Aruffo said.

Benatti has face fractures and bruised knees.

The two said they won’t be coming back to Deep Ellum any time soon. They believe the area is becoming too dangerous.

“I just don’t feel safe going there,” Aruffo said. “If you do go to Deep Ellum it’s safer to travel in a pack,” Aruffo said.

Saturday’s incident is just one of a series of violent attacks in Deep Ellum recently.

In late May a woman was jumped outside of Bucky Moonshine’s and in April a woman was violently punched outside of Adams Hats Lofts. It happened just across the street from where Aruffo and Benatti were attacked.

Police are trying to identify the two men seen attacking Aruffo and Benatti in the video.


The symbolic nationalism of The World Cup meets the undeclared imperialism of the Russian Federation

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 June 2018 23:03.

BBC, “World Cup 2018: Welcome with a warning for England fans in Volgograd”, 6 June 2018:

  • World Cup venue guide
  • World Cup groups and schedule
  • Do you know your World Cup squads?
  • Sword raised in power and defiance, the figure is a monument to the brutal Battle of Stalingrad, as the city was then called. It is also a reminder of a time when Russia and Britain were allies.

    But as Volgograd prepares to host crowds of England fans, that World War Two alliance is distant history.

    The political hostility that exists now appears to have dampened appetite for Russia’s World Cup.

    There were clear signs of the new reality as city residents made their annual pilgrimage up to Volgograd’s iconic war memorial to mark the anniversary of the Soviet victory over the Nazis.

    One man climbing the long flight of steps wore a T-shirt depicting Mother Russia slicing the head off the US Statue of Liberty. “Welcome to Stalingrad,” the slogan read.

    “I’m wearing this because the West is Russia’s enemy. They want to kill us all,” explained Ivan, a former history teacher. “I see that they hate us, and they have done for hundreds of years.”

    Such hostile talk is increasingly common, fed from the top by both politicians and the state-run media machine. Both now portray the West as intent on “containing” Russia as Vladimir Putin oversees the country’s “rightful” return as a global power.

    The same message came from spectators at last month’s Victory Day parade of soldiers and tanks through central Volgograd. “England was never our ally,” a pensioner in military uniform snorted. “No-one wants a strong and powerful Russia.”

    Relations were far warmer in 2010 when Russia won the right to host the World Cup.

    Then came the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s military campaign in Syria and, most recently, the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter using a military nerve agent.


    MS 13 targeting blacks to clear them out of their neighborhoods

    Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 June 2018 23:53.


    Asylum seekers cost Sweden 347 billion euros during their lifetimes

    Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 06 June 2018 15:31.

    Protesters attend a demonstration against alleged slavery in Libya, at Sergels torg in Stockholm, Sweden, 25 November 2017. [Claudio Bresciani/EPA/EFE]/ Euractiv

    Voice of Europe, “Asylum seekers cost Sweden 347 billion euros during their lifetimes”, 6 June 2018:

    Svenska Dagbladet
    journalist, Per Gudmundsson, writes that the net costs of the average refugee are higher than expected. Gudmondsson bases his opinion on a financial report that was published by Sweden’s ESO research institution earlier this week.

    Gudmundsson says some immigrant groups are even more costly due to integration failures and labour costs. Therefore, the costs of a refugee or asylum seeker are higher than the previously thought, 291,000 euros (3 million crowns) during their lifetimes.

    “The actual costs are higher because no direct costs have been calculated, for example, the cost of subsidised employment,” he says.

    Sweden’s migrant population has grown from 690,000 in 2015 to 830,000 in 2017. The ESO report states that “Refugees who immigrate today, are expected to live 58.3 years in Sweden on average”.

    During these years, an asylum seeker with an average integration potential is expected to represent a net cost to Sweden’s public finances of 7,184 euros on average per year.”

    If you multiply 7,184 euros per refugee x 58.3 (average lifetime) the costs per refugee will be 418,827 euros during their lifetime in Sweden.

    By multiplying this with the total number of refugees, we get the total costs for all refugees during their lifetimes:

    418,827 x 830,000 = 347 billion euros or 3,580 billion Swedish crowns.

    According to the report, The 58.3 years, is about the group that immigrated recently, it is unclear if this varies considerably.

    Gudmundsson says this is an inefficient use of funds, which could have had a greater impact in homelands of the refugees.


    Voice of Europe, “Hundreds of thousands of Swedish pensioners live in poverty, according to recent report”, 5 June 2018:

    A new report published by the Swedish Pensions Agency shows that as many as 245,000 people of over the age of 65 are below the poverty threshold.

    In comparison with the rest of the Nordic countries, Sweden has the highest proportion of poor pensioners (or as the Pension Agency calls it, pensioners with a “relatively low financial standard”).

    In the press release, the agency wrote that “the main reason why older people do not reach the upper limit of a relatively low economic standard is that they do not have, or are not entitled to, maximum housing allowance and/or elderly support”.

    Of the 245,000 people who were below the limit of relatively low economic standard in 2017, 162,000 were women.

    “Women, single individuals, and the oldest in the age group over 65 are those that are at the greatest risk of falling below the income threshold for relatively low economic standards. The main reason for this is a combination of low income-based pensions and low housing costs,” says chief Pensions Agency analyst, Ole Stettergren.


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